What is the Difference Between Rental Reimbursement and Personal Injury Protection Insurance?

Comprehensive insurance pays for physical damage to your vehicle that has occurred due to things other than a collision, such as animal accidents, fires or thefts. The rental reimbursement covers a limited amount of rental and transportation expenses for the vehicle while the damaged vehicle is being repaired. Personal injury protection and medical payment coverage, commonly known as Med Pay, are similar in that they cover the medical expenses that you and your passengers will face as a result of an accident. These benefits are broader than personal accident insurance, as they can cover your medical expenses in case of an emergency abroad, whether they were caused by a car accident or not.

Liability coverage takes care of property damage and injuries to others in an accident, while personal accident coverage includes medical, ambulance and death benefits for you (the driver of the rental vehicle) and your passengers. The most cost-effective way to ensure adequate protection in the event of a collision or theft is with third-party rental car insurance. If you live in a no-fault state that requires personal injury protection or you have optional PIP coverage, it may not be necessary to also take out Med Pay. And if you impulsively check yes to all the insurance options offered by the car rental company, don't let the buyer's remorse ruin your vacation (and your budget).

A major difference is that Med Pay doesn't cover expenses such as lost wages, caring for children, or cleaning the house like PIP would. According to Consumer Affairs, the benefits offered by personal accident insurance may already be included in your health, life or car insurance policies or may be included in the coverage offered by the car rental company. While your regular car insurance policy may include collision coverage for rental vehicles, it will most likely include a deductible and won't cover all of the rental car company's charges, such as loss of use (charges for money that the company loses while your car is in the garage). Ii Your credit card may include free coverage against collision damage, but rental car insurance with a credit card is usually secondary coverage, meaning that any claim will be made first to your car insurance company.

Unlike the exemptions sold by car rental agencies, OneTrip Rental Car Protector is real insurance that can protect your rental car almost anywhere in the world. Someone trying to sell you rental car insurance may say that your liability coverage is too low and encourage you to purchase supplemental insurance. Currently, several states require personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, regardless of whether you have health insurance. While it varies by state, personal injury protection insurance may be a good idea if you have the option.

Carl Somilleda
Carl Somilleda

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