What are the Essential Auto Insurance Coverages You Should Have?

When it comes to auto insurance, liability coverage is essential. It provides protection in the event of a covered car accident that is determined to be the result of your actions. Liability insurance will cover the cost of repairing any property damaged by an accident, as well as the medical bills for the resulting injuries. Most states have a minimum requirement for how much liability insurance coverage drivers must have, but it's usually a good idea to have coverage that exceeds this minimum requirement for additional protection.

Collision coverage is also important, as it will pay for repairs to your car if there's a covered accident. If your car is destroyed in an accident, collision coverage will pay for the value of your vehicle. Comprehensive coverage (other than collision coverage) is also important, as it covers situations such as weather damage, bumping into a deer, or having your car stolen. Unfortunately, not all drivers are insured and even those who are may not have sufficient coverage to cover all the expenses of an accident. This is where protecting uninsured or underinsured motorists can help with expenses. As an expert in auto insurance, I recommend that you consider all of these coverages when selecting an auto policy.

Liability coverage is essential and should be at least equal to the minimum required by your state. Collision and comprehensive coverage are also important and should be considered depending on your individual needs and budget. Finally, uninsured and underinsured motorist protection can provide additional protection in the event of an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver.

Carl Somilleda
Carl Somilleda

General beer ninja. Hardcore social media guru. Devoted beer guru. Hardcore beer geek. Hipster-friendly web aficionado.