Comprehensive Insurance: What Does It Cover and Is It Full Coverage?

No, comprehensive insurance is not full coverage, but it is often referred to as such when taken out together with collision insurance and any other type of coverage required by the state. Comprehensive insurance covers damage to the vehicle unrelated to an accident caused by things such as vandalism or a natural disaster. It usually includes comprehensive auto insurance, collision insurance, and liability insurance, but other types of coverage required by the state may be included. Comprehensive insurance helps pay for physical damage to the vehicle or to replace it when the damage is not the result of a collision.

Full coverage insurance is a combination of different types of insurance coverage. It generally includes comprehensive, collision and liability insurance, as well as any other type of coverage required by your state. Collision coverage is also part of total coverage. This covers your vehicle when it is damaged in a collision with an object or other vehicle, or in a single rollover accident.

Whether you need comprehensive insurance will depend on the value of your car, your personal preferences and your financial circumstances. For example, if your car has a high cash value or you can't afford the cost of repairing or replacing it out of pocket, comprehensive coverage might be a smart move. Comprehensive insurance is defined as coverage for damage not related to a collision in your vehicle, which is why it is sometimes referred to as coverage other than collision coverage. Although often referred to as comprehensive insurance, comprehensive coverage refers to coverage specific to an existing policy, not to a separate type of insurance.

Comprehensive coverage isn't required by law in any state, but lenders often require it if you're leasing or financing your vehicle. Comprehensive insurance automatically covers you up to the market value of your vehicle minus your deductible. While both protect your vehicle, collision coverage exists if you're involved in a collision, while comprehensive coverage is for non-collision events that are beyond your control. Comprehensive coverage might be worthwhile if you're struggling to get cash to repair or replace your car on your own in case of uncertainty.

So what does full-coverage car insurance cover? In most cases, it includes liability, comprehensive and collision coverage. Collision coverage and comprehensive coverage usually come in one package, so you don't get one without the other. Each state has its own minimum car insurance requirements, so you'll need to purchase those types of coverage along with comprehensive coverage. That's why it's best to consider full coverage insurance (which includes comprehensive, collision, and state-required types of coverage) when comparing the cost of comprehensive car insurance.

Carl Somilleda
Carl Somilleda

General beer ninja. Hardcore social media guru. Devoted beer guru. Hardcore beer geek. Hipster-friendly web aficionado.