Do You Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage in South Carolina? - A Comprehensive Guide

South Carolina law requires that you purchase liability and uninsured motorist coverage to drive legally in the state. According to the South Carolina Department of Insurance, our state does not require vehicle owners to purchase coverage for underinsured motorists. You only have this optional protection if you have purchased minimum liability coverage. As an expert in the field of auto insurance, I can tell you that uninsured motorist coverage is essential for drivers in South Carolina.

Even if it wasn't a legal requirement, this coverage is essential to ensure that you don't have difficulty paying expensive medical bills and car repair costs in case you're involved in an accident with an uninsured driver. Property damage insurance for uninsured motorists covers the repair or replacement of your car if you're involved in an accident caused by an uninsured driver. What you don't know about coverage for uninsured or underinsured drivers in South Carolina could hurt you. Section 38-77-160 of the code states that your auto insurance company must offer, at its choice, coverage for uninsured or underinsured motorists up to the limits of their actual liability coverage.

If this happens, your auto policy could pay for your losses up to the limits of your coverage for uninsured drivers. The driver may try to offer you money on the spot to cover your expenses and avoid being caught driving without insurance, but you shouldn't accept that. If a driver only buys the minimum coverage required by the state, their policy may not be able to cover all of their expenses in the event of a serious accident. The liability coverage in your insurance policy doesn't cover any of your losses; it only pays for other people's losses when you cause an accident.

Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Insurance

Uninsured motorist property damage insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing the policyholder's vehicle or other property if it is damaged in an accident caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver. UM will pay all your expenses up to the limits of your policy when you are hit by an uninsured driver, from vehicle repairs to medical bills.

Hit and Run Accidents

Finally, coverage for uninsured drivers could pay for your losses if you are injured in a hit and run accident.

Another driver could cause a collision and not have the minimum coverage required by South Carolina law. This coverage can pay for your losses if the other driver causes the accident and doesn't have any insurance or doesn't have enough insurance. If you have liability insurance that is higher than the minimum coverage required by the state, your insurer must also allow you to purchase coverage for uninsured or underinsured drivers for that amount. However, if the other driver doesn't have insurance, getting compensation can take a long time or be next to impossible.

In conclusion, it is essential for drivers in South Carolina to purchase uninsured motorist coverage as it is required by law and provides essential protection against expensive medical bills and car repair costs in case of an accident with an uninsured driver. It also covers property damage caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver and can provide compensation if you are injured in a hit and run accident.

Carl Somilleda
Carl Somilleda

General beer ninja. Hardcore social media guru. Devoted beer guru. Hardcore beer geek. Hipster-friendly web aficionado.