Can you claim insurance on an act of god?

If the car owner has a comprehensive car insurance policy, they could be covered by a force majeure clause. The force majeure clause covers all fortuitous cases that could damage a vehicle due to causes beyond the control of the owner. Victims can then receive an insurance payment to cover repairs or vehicle replacement. A fortuitous case is an insurance term that describes a natural event or disaster where the homeowner could have done little to prevent damage.

This can include catastrophes or other risks that are automatically included in most homeowners insurance policies, but it can also include many disasters that require an additional insurance clause for full coverage. While car insurance usually covers these types of events with comprehensive coverage, homeowners insurance policies often include exclusions for some or all of these fortuitous cases. Property insurance may deny a claim or pay less if the state of your home contributed to the amount of damage caused by the natural event. To ensure that the claims process goes smoothly, regardless of the type of damage that occurs, take some time to inventory the home as soon as possible.

If you're still unsure, talk to your insurance agent to check your coverage and determine if your home needs to add any additional provisions to your policy so you don't have underinsurance. However, you'll still have to pay the deductible, and if the repairs exceed the value of the car, the insurer could declare that the car has been accumulated as a whole. Most insurance policies don't specifically use the term “fortuitous event” in the policy, but they describe specific natural disasters that are covered or not. The insurance industry uses the term “fortuitous event” to refer to damage caused by something that is beyond human control.

Many car insurance policies include comprehensive coverage that covers damage to your vehicle that wasn't caused by a collision. Depending on your insurer, offering assistance in the event that an unexpected event changes or damages your home may or may not be covered by your policy's protections. For damage caused by natural causes, homeowners insurance policies specify what they cover and what they exclude. If you finance a home in a designated floodplain, your lender will require you to have flood insurance.

A standard homeowners insurance policy covers many serendipitous cases, including tornadoes, hail, and severe storms. When reviewing your home insurance contract, you might not see the phrase “force majeure insurance.” And don't forget that when you first bought your car or home insurance policy, you chose a limit or maximum.

Carl Somilleda
Carl Somilleda

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